When you read about computer programs, there are many terms, and it can be hard to keep them all straight. Some of the terms are often misused because the differences between them are subtle. It is important for anyone who is working in the technology field to understand what each of the types of software are and how they are different. Here is a graphic that helps to delineate these differences at a glance. For a more detailed description, continue reading below.
Freeware is software that can be fully used without the purchase of a license. The user can download and copy the software. It cannot be modified because it is copyrighted. Freeware may be restricted to certain types of use, such as personal, and they are used to advertise a paid professional or premium version for users who want some additional features. (Chen, 2005; Mittal, 2020; Anonymous, 2019; Hannah, 2022, Fisher, 2022).
Free Software
Free software may be the most confusing one because free does not refer to cost. It is free because it is copyright free. The user may have to pay for download or use, but they are free to edit the source code and distribute the software. The source code can be changed in substantial ways to meet the needs of the user. Unlike freeware, which is created by businesses, free software is often developed by volunteers (Anonymous, 2019; Hannah, 2022; Fisher, 2022; Midrack, 2021).
Open-Source Software
Open source software and free software are similar but not quite the same. Free software is always open-source because users have access to the source code. However, all open-source software is not free because there are different kinds of open-source licenses, and some of those may impose restrictions on modification and use (auspicious_boy, 2022). Open-source software is developed through collaboration, and it is often more stable and secure than software developed privately by a company (Midrack, 2021).
Shareware is best described as a trial offer. The user may download and try out the program for free for a certain length of time. During the trial offer time, the user may be able to use a full version of the software, or it may be a limited version. After that time period has elapsed, payment is required for continued use of the program. It is closed source software and copyrighted (Chen, 2005: Mittal 2020; Fisher, 2023). There are different types of shareware including:
Adware – has advertisements
Donationware - asks for donations
Nagware - reminds you that payment is due
Freemium - only non-premium features are free
Demoware - limited access to software or amount of time (Mittal, 2020; Fisher, 2023).
Future Learning
Now that I know more about the different types of software, I’m realizing that I need to learn more about how they are being used in schools, and how secure each of them are. Here are a few resources that will help me to get started on this quest.
Anonymous. (2019, July 12). Free software, freeware and shareware. Computer Science GCSE GURU. Retrieved February 7, 2023, from https://www.computerscience.gcse.guru/theory/free-software-freeware-shareware
auspicious_boy. (2022, June 16). Difference between free software and open source software. GeeksforGeeks. Retrieved February 9, 2023, from https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-free-software-and-open-source-software/
Chen , S. (2005, September 13). Freeware vs Shareware vs Open Source. Open source strategies. Retrieved February 7, 2023, from http://opensourcestrategies.blogspot.com/2005/09/freeware-vs-shareware-vs-open-source.html
Fisher, T. (2022, July 7). What is freeware? Lifewire. Retrieved February 7, 2023, from https://www.lifewire.com/freeware-definition-4154271
Fisher, T. (2023, January 9). What is shareware? Lifewire. Retrieved February 7, 2023, from https://www.lifewire.com/shareware-definition-4154860
Hanna, K. T. (2022, October 19). What is freeware? WhatIs.com. Retrieved February 7, 2023, from https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/freeware#:~:text=Freeware%20(not%20to%20be%20confused,in%20software%20you're%20developing.
Midrack, R. L. (2021, March 8). What is open source software? Lifewire. Retrieved February 7, 2023, from https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-open-source-software-4147547#
Mittal, D. (2020, June 28). Open source, freeware and shareware softwares. GeeksforGeeks. Retrieved February 7, 2023, from https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/open-source-freeware-and-shareware-softwares/
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